Designed with expanded capabilities to meet the requirements of a wide range of breathing disorders for adults and children.
Electrically power and microprocessor controlled.
Modes of Operation:
Control mode
Assist/Control mode
SIMV mode
No ventilation mode for battery charging during storage.
Volume: 50 to 2800 ml.
Sigh volume: adjustable above normal volume setting 50 to 2800 mm (nominal); software limited to not exceed twice the normal volume.
Pressure limit: adjustable from +10 to +100 cmH2O (nominal).
Flow: adjustable from 20 to 120 cm (nominal).
Rate: adjustable from 1 to 69 breaths per minute at 1 breath increments.
Sensitivity: adjustable from -10 to +10 cmH2O (nominal).
Sight: three positions rotary switch from on, off, and manual.
Mode: rotary switch selects one of the three ventilation modes. The no ventilation setting also permits charging of both external and internal batteries while the AC power is set to on.
Patient/Operator Safety:
Low battery: audible alarm and red light.
Power switch over: AC to DC switchover with pulsing audible alarm.
Battery charger: two internal trickle chargers to help maintain external and internal battery charge levels.
Ventilator malfunction: constant audible alarm with flashing alarm lights.
High Pressure Alarm: Adjusts alarm and pressure limiting from +26 to +100 cm H2O, in 5 cm increments.
Low Pressure Alarm: From +2 to +32 cm H2O, in 2 cm increments.
In SIMV mode, audible alarm and red light at setting of 1 to 7 bpm.
In all modes, audible alarm and red light if airway pressure remains above the low pressure alarm setting for 15 seconds, opens exhalation valve to atmosphere.
Airway pressure meter: calibrated from -10 to +100 cm H2O in 2 cm increments.
Ventilator display: four digit LDC display for average flow in lpm, I:E ratio or volume in milliliters.
Breathing rate: adjustable from 1 to 89 bpm.
AC on/Batteries charging: continuous green light indicates external AC power is on and batteries are charging.
External battery: continuous amber light indicates external DC power in use.
Flow: Red light indicates inspiration time exceeds expiration time, and set rate is not being delivered.
Sensitivity: Green Light indicates patient's triggered breath or auto cycling.
Sigh: Green light indicates Sign mode is in operation.
Power Requirements:
AC power switch: Permits choice of power 100/120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.5 amps; 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hx, 1.6 amps.