GE Marquette Product Detail
Model: Max-1
- Interpretive Stress Test with Treadmill.
- Patient cables digitizes the signal at the patient, eliminating analog cable noise.
- Contacts resist corrosion and ensure optimal signal quality.
- Median update helps assure all measurements, including ST segments, are made upon tru morphology.
- Technician friendly interface. Select standard or customized protocols.
- Display
- Size: 30.48 cm (48") diagonal.
- Type: High-resolution, raster written.
- Frequency response: 0.01 to 40 Hz, 0.01 to 20 Hz, user-selectable.
- Traces: 3 rhythm leads.
- Displayed data: Heart rate, target heart rate, blood pressure, total excercise time clock, stage clock, 4 current median complexes, treadmill speed and grade, ventricular ectopic/minute counter, 3 channels of rhythm, protocol and stage of exercise, warning messages and prompts.
- System
- Digital sampling rate: 250 Hz.
- A/D conversion: 12 bits.
- Chassis leakage current: <100 mA (meets AAMI standards SCL 1278).
- Patient leakage current: <10 mA.
- Common mode rejection: 130 dB, minimum up to 180 dB with digital processing.
- AC elimination: 50/60 Hz digital filters.
- Electrode offset tolerance: +/- 320 mVDC.
- Internal maintenance test: Automatic self-tests.
- Diskette drive: 8.89 cm (3.5"), 2 MB, double sided, quad-density, and MS-DOS format compatible.
- Processing
- ST level and slope determination: Up to 15 leads.
- Median: Incremental updating with elimination of artifact and aberrance in all leads.
- ST level measurement: Manually selectable post J point.
- Heart rate: 16-beat sliding average updated every beat; minimum 35 beats/min, maximum 300 beats/min.
- QRS detection: band-pass filtered composite of three user-selectable leads.
- Arrhythmia: Automatic detection and documentation.
- Input
- Channels: Simultaneous acquisition of up to 15 channels.
- Impendence: 100 M1/2, defibrillator-protected.
- Dynamic range: +/- 320 mVDC.
- Electrode offset tolerance: +/- 320 mVDC.
- Output
- Standard output: One analog output, one waveform output, one TTL output with variable pulse width, polarity and delay, QRS beep.
- Writer
- Method: Thermal dot array (horizontal 1000 dots/in at 25 mm/s, vertical 200 dots/in).
- Channels: 6, user selectable.
- Frequency response: 0.01 to 100 Hz, 0.01 to 40 Hz, 0.01 to 20 Hz, user-selectable.
- Sensitivity: 5, 10, and 20 mm/mV.
- Paper speed: 5, 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s., user-selectable.
- Paper style: thermal, perforated, 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm x (8.5" x 11"), Z fold, 300 sheets/pack.
- Acquisition Module
- Analog Sampling rate: 2000 Hz.
- Microprocessor-controlled: 10 TEC and AHA color-coded lead wires standard, 14 lead wires optinal; (additional lead wires user-definable).
- Keypads
- Control Panel: Contains manual treadmill, test/procedures, and report controls.
- Alphanumberic keyboard: With TRIM KNOB for blood pressure, patient demographics, and impressions entry.
- Reports
- Classical 12-lead: Note reports can be transferred to the NUSE network by diskette.
- Incrementally averaged medians: With real-time rhythm and ST level, user-selectable in two formats.
- 3 or 6 channel rhythm strips: Available for real-time, recall or arrhythmia documentation (leads user-selectable).
- Tabular presentation of final report data including: Phase, stage, speed, grade, heart rate, blood pressure, rate-pressure product, ectopic, maximum ST depression, and physician's impressions.
- Sample cardiac cycles: Presented at user-defined intervals.
- Trend graph: Heart rate, ST levels, ST slopes, blood pressure, PVC s/m.
- Power
- Requirements: 90 to 135 VAC, 180 to 270 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Power consumption: 225 W maximum.
- Physical
- Height: 154.94 cm (61").
- Width: 62.23 cm (24.5").
- Depth: 71.12 cm (28").
- Weight: 54.48 kg (120 lbs).
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