IHSY SmartEP Product Detail
SmartEP is a full-featured evoked potential system that gives you the versatility and flexibility to meet all your clinical and research needs for auditory, vestibular and visual evoked potentials. SmartEP is available with both ABR and OAE diagnostic and screening functions and can be used with any Windows desktop or laptop computer.
Advanced capabilities such as user-specified protocols and default parameters allow you to acquire and process patient recordings efficiently. With easy-to-use menus, features such as numerous stimulus options, latency-intensity plots, easy peak labeling and split-page displays are readily available at a click of the mouse.
The innovative Drag and Drop Recordings feature makes it extremely easy to generate reports using a variety of formats on multiple, separate report pages.
Fast Protocol Setup:
Quickly create customized protocols that allow a series of recordings to be acquired automatically. Each recording can be collected automatically with different acquisition parameters.
Numerous Stimulus Choices:
Perform tests using clicks, pure tones or your own stimulus files. Select from a variety of envelopes, such as Rectangular, Trapezoidal, Blackman, Exact Blackman, Cosine, Cosine Square, Cosine Cubed and more.
Easy Peak Labeling:
Mark your waveforms peaks with few clicks of the mouse. Select from over thirty standard AEP labels or create a user-defined peak label for your own use.
SNR and RN:
Instant Signal-to-Noise Ratio estimation and Residual Noise calculation, with a user-selectable range option.
Multi-EP Display option:
Display recordings in Average, Split Sweep, Plus-Minus or Spectral plots.
Easy Data Acquisition:
A straightforward Control Panel allows for data acquisition with a single click. Specify your settings once and save them for fast and easy test replication.
Multi Page Display:
Multiple display pages makes it easy to organize recordings and generate efficient reports. Move any recording to any of the ten available pages, each with their own display options. Arrange waveforms using full drag and drop capabilities.
Accessible Normative Data:
Easily view and compare patient data to age specific norms. The data table lists identified peak latencies, inter-peak latencies and means for each intensity.
Integrated Database:
Manage your patients easily and keep organized records of previous tests. Move your patient information from one IHS application to another, effortlessly. Export your data to other commonly used medical databases.
Context Sensitive Online Help:
Press F1 at any point in the program to bring up the online help topic specific to your current place in the SmartEP program.
Customizable Display:
Change the display by selecting split page or full page modes, modify the start and end time for the time axis and automatically organize your data.
Fast Waveform Processing:
Easy-to-use waveform processing routines are available, including addition, subtraction, inversion, off-line smoothing/filtering, cross-correlation and more. Select multiple recordings for simultaneous processing.
Optically Isolated Amplifier:
The external amplifier, with built-in impedance checker is optically isolated to ensure patient safety at all times.
Artifact Rejection Options:
Visually set the artifact rejection level and the artifact rejection region with clear visual markers. View the incoming EEG at all times and select the desired gain and filter settings to accommodate your needs.
Software Features:
- ECochG, ABR, SN10, MLR, LLR modalities included.
- Optional P300/MMN, Chained Stimuli, eABR, VEMP, High Frequency, Somatosensory, VEP and Advanced Research modules.
- Split Sweep and pre-stimulus data acquisition and display.
- User-defined testing protocols for automated data collection.
- User-selectable artifact rejection level and region.
- Easy measurement and labeling using peak markers and cursors.
- User-selectable artifact rejection level for each individual channel.
- Easy report generation by dragging and dropping recordings to one of nine report pages.
- Prints reports including demographics and testing parameters to any windows supported printer.
- Latency-intensity plots with user-defined normative data range displays.
- Add, subtract, multiply and cross correlate recordings.
- Option to display power spectrum of stimulus and recordings.
- Automatic calculation of inter-peak latencies and amplitude ratios.
- Digital FIR or spectral filters for post data acquisition smoothing with any user-specified frequency range.
- Sampling Rate: 40kHz (Standard) or 128kHz (High Freq.)
Universal Smart Box Features:
- Light and portable.
- Connects to any Windows® computer via a USB Port.
- Up to eight Auditory Evoked Potential recording channels.
- High frequency option.
- Ipsilateral masking option.
- Optional OAE channel (DP, Transient and Spontaneous).
- High frequency option.
- Suppression option.
- Optional auditory transducers: insert earphones, bone vibrator, headphones, sound field (with external amplifier), high frequency transducers and/or OAE probe.
- Upgradable to include Intelligent Visual Reinforcement
- Audiometry (IVRA).
Universal Smart Box Jr. Features
- Light and portable.
- Connects to any Windows® computer via a USB Port.
- Up to two Auditory Evoked Potential recording channels.
- Optional OAE channel (DP, Transient and Spontaneous).
- Optional auditory transducers: insert earphones, bone
- Vibrator, headphones and/or OAE probe.
System Specifications:
Optical Amplifier Specifications
- Size: 185x135x40mm or 7.3x5.3x1.6 inches.
- Power: 2 AA 1.5V Alkaline Batteries (or 15V DC, 140 mA for Power Amplifiers).
- Fiber optic isolation for superior safety.
- Up to two channels per unit.
- Gain: 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 K (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 K for Power Amplifiers).
- Noise Level: 0.5uVrms (1 - 3000 Hz), 5 Mohm input impedance.
- 50 or 60 Hz notch filter (-12 dB/oct).
- Common mode rejection: >113dB at 1 kHz, >122dB at 60 or 50 Hz (with notch filter ON at that frequency).
- Built in impedance tester.
- High pass filters (-6 dB/oct): 1, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 300 and 500 Hz.
- Low pass filters (-6 dB/oct): 30, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 Hz.
Computer Requirements - Personal Computer or Laptop.
- One free USB port.
- Minimum 64MB RAM.
- Minimum 20MB free hard drive space.
- CD-ROM drive.
- Windows 98, Me, 2000 or XP operating system.
- P300/MMN
- Chain Stimuli
- Ipsilateral Masking* (notched and white noise)
- High frequency*
- Electrical ABR*
- Simultaneous ABR-OAE
- SmartEP-ASSR
- SmartScreener
- SmartDPOAE
- SmartTrOAE
- Smart Audiometer
* Available for the Universal Smart Box only
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